AAAI.2018 - Game Playing and Interactive Entertainment

Total: 4

#1 Event Representations for Automated Story Generation with Deep Neural Nets [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Lara Martin ; Prithviraj Ammanabrolu ; Xinyu Wang ; William Hancock ; Shruti Singh ; Brent Harrison ; Mark Riedl

Automated story generation is the problem of automatically selecting a sequence of events, actions, or words that can be told as a story. We seek to develop a system that can generate stories by learning everything it needs to know from textual story corpora. To date, recurrent neural networks that learn language models at character, word, or sentence levels have had little success generating coherent stories. We explore the question of event representations that provide a mid-level of abstraction between words and sentences in order to retain the semantic information of the original data while minimizing event sparsity. We present a technique for preprocessing textual story data into event sequences. We then present a technique for automated story generation whereby we decompose the problem into the generation of successive events (event2event) and the generation of natural language sentences from events (event2sentence). We give empirical results comparing different event representations and their effects on event successor generation and the translation of events to natural language.

#2 PVL: A Framework for Navigating the Precision-Variety Trade-Off in Automated Animation of Smiles [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Nicholas Sohre ; Moses Adeagbo ; Nathaniel Helwig ; Sofia Lyford-Pike ; Stephen Guy

Animating digital characters has an important role in computer assisted experiences, from video games to movies to interactive robotics. A critical challenge in the field is to generate animations which accurately reflect the state of the animated characters, without looking repetitive or unnatural. In this work, we investigate the problem of procedurally generating a diverse variety of facial animations that express a given semantic quality (e.g., very happy). To that end, we introduce a new learning heuristic called Precision Variety Learning (PVL) which actively identifies and exploits the fundamental trade-off between precision (how accurate positive labels are) and variety (how diverse the set of positive labels is). We both identify conditions where important theoretical properties can be guaranteed, and show good empirical performance in variety of conditions. Lastly, we apply our PVL heuristic to our motivating problem of generating smile animations, and perform several user studies to validate the ability of our method to produce a perceptually diverse variety of smiles for different target intensities.

#3 Asymmetric Action Abstractions for Multi-Unit Control in Adversarial Real-Time Games [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Rubens Moraes ; Levi Lelis

Action abstractions restrict the number of legal actions available during search in multi-unit real-time adversarial games, thus allowing algorithms to focus their search on a set of promising actions. Optimal strategies derived from un-abstracted spaces are guaranteed to be no worse than optimal strategies derived from action-abstracted spaces. In practice, however, due to real-time constraints and the state space size, one is only able to derive good strategies in un-abstracted spaces in small-scale games. In this paper we introduce search algorithms that use an action abstraction scheme we call asymmetric abstraction. Asymmetric abstractions retain the un-abstracted spaces' theoretical advantage over regularly abstracted spaces while still allowing the search algorithms to derive effective strategies, even in large-scale games. Empirical results on combat scenarios that arise in a real-time strategy game show that our search algorithms are able to substantially outperform state-of-the-art approaches.

#4 Minesweeper with Limited Moves [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Serge Gaspers ; Stefan Rümmele ; Abdallah Saffidine ; Kevin Tran

We consider the problem of playing Minesweeper with a limited number of moves: Given a partially revealed board, a number of available clicks k, and a target probability p, can we win with probability p. We win if we do not click on a mine, and, after our sequence of at most k clicks (which reveal information about the neighboring squares) can correctly identify the placement of all mines. We make the assumption, that, at all times, all placements of mines consistent with the currently revealed squares are equiprobable. Our main results are that the problem is PSPACE-complete, and it remains PSPACE-complete when p is a constant, in particular when p = 1. When k = 0 (i.e., we are not allowed to click anywhere), the problem is PP-complete in general, but co-NP-complete when p is a constant, and in particular when p = 1.